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5 Amazing Benefits of Bee Pollen You Must Know About


Bees are amazing! I love everything about them. Honey, royal jelly, bee pollen, propolis, all these are heavenly gifts! Everyone has heard of honey and maybe royal jelly, but not so many know that bee pollen is also very nutritious and has really great healing properties.

I don’t use bee pollen as often as I use honey, but once every 3 months I eat bee pollen daily for one week, in order to fill my body with vitamins and strengthen my immune system. In the following paragraphs, I will tell you everything about the great benefits of bee pollen.

1. Bee pollen is an amazing B vitamins source

Why is bee pollen so great? Well, first of all, bee pollen is very rich in B complex vitamins and also contains an important amount of vitamin C. It also contains proteins, amino acids, hormones and other good substances with really complicated names. What you need to know is that when you have a vitamin B deficiency, bee pollen is the right treatment for you. It is best to take our necessary vitamins from food rather than from artificial sources like vitamin pills. This way our body assimilates them better.

2. Bee pollen is a superfood

Nutritionally speaking, bee pollen is a super-food. It is recommended in anorexia cases because it increases the appetite. This doesn’t mean that if you want to lose weight you cannot consume pollen. You just have to be careful on the quantity. Pollen also regulates digestive functions and even ameliorates depressions and insomnia.

3. Aids both digestive and nervous systems

It is recommended to consume bee pollen when passing through a rough time. It removes intellectual and physical fatigue and also helps us maintain an optimistic thinking.

If you have any hepatobiliary diseases pollen is the natural remedy for you. It is known that bee pollen helps to dissolve gallstones and also improves liver functions.

4. Treats circulatory system diseases

The many uses of bee pollen don’t stop here! Pollen is extremely efficient in treating circulatory system diseases like phlebitis or varices and it also strengthens our hearts.

5. Recommended for diabetics.

Bee pollen is highly recommended for diabetics because it increases our tolerance to glucose. This wonderful natural remedy is also good for our skin. It maintains the collagen levels and accelerates the healing of wounds.

The daily dosage of bee pollen

It is very important to slowly start to consume bee pollen, because it may cause some allergic reactions to sensible persons. You can test your sensibility by putting a few granules under your tongue. Gradually, you can increase the dosage to 1-2 TSP a day, or more depending on each person’s metabolism. For a better absorption of all chemical compounds, the granules must be chewed, in order to crack open the cellular walls. You can mix pollen with honey, or you can simply add it in juices or smoothies.

The daily dosage for adults is 1 TBS/day dissolved in liquid, taken 30 minutes before breakfast. For kids, you can start by giving them 3 granules a day, increasing the dosage up to1/2 TBS/day.

I really hope that you will treat yourself with nature given medicines before taking pills. Nature provides us with everything we need in order to have a healthy body and a healthy mind. Start eating correctly! Start exercising! And use natural remedies! You’ll see that you’ll feel much better. Just be patient and believe in nature’s amazing healing powers.



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