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5 Strong Reasons Why Milk Is Bad For You


In this article I will give you a couple of strong, study-based reasons why milk is bad for you. Here they are!

Cow’s milk is for cows. There is nothing wrong with drinking milk from birth until the age of two with only one condition, that the milk is breast milk, or fresh, unprocessed, natural goat milk.

Cow’s milk is rich in protein, minerals and fats, which is necessary for the calves to grow in weight (between 136 and 226 pounds in a year). Needless to say, babies do not grow at the same pace. Cow’s milk is at least four times richer in protein content and has a concentration of minerals six times higher than human milk. Such concentrated milk is very difficult to digest for babies.

The amount of enzymes produced by the body to digest dairy products is much smaller than the amount produced by cows. In the absence of the necessary enzymes, human newborns will have digestive problems and an excessive secretion of mucus in the sinus cavities, lungs, brain and ears. Many forms of allergies are the result of excessive congestion which originates from the consumption of cow’s milk.

1. Adults cannot digest milk at all.

That’s why they will develop inflammatory problems as they advance in age. Cow’s milk is very low in essential fatty acids, which are vital for the human body in the production of cholesterol, steroids, brain and other nervous tissues.

In the third to fourth year, most children lose their milk digesting enzymes, especially lactase, which breaks down lactose – the main sugar present in milk. When the body lacks the enzymes needed for digesting milk, it increases mucus production.

2. Pasteurized cow’s milk is even worse!

Well then, how about pasteurized cow’s milk? It’s actually worse. Under the action of heat, the chemical structure of milk changes and forms a product that generates alkalinity, thus turning milk into a highly acidic substance. In chemistry, if we want to change a chemical compound we heat-treat it. The intervention of heat in cooking food destroys all water-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin C and B complex.

3. Milk actually takes calcium OT of your body.

Milk contains calcium, but it’s not the best source of calcium for humans. Calcium is a mineral substance that is abundant in nature. The highest concentration of calcium is found in sesame seeds and marine plants such as kelp. The proper use of calcium occurs in the presence of magnesium. Calcium and magnesium in fruits and especially vegetables are compatible.

Leafy dark greens abound in calcium, magnesium and flavonoids, absolutely necessary for the correct usage of each of the elements. Cow’s milk has more calcium than magnesium. It is estimated that less than 20% of the body assimilates the calcium that’s present in milk. We assimilate more calcium taken from fruit juices, nuts, and seeds, than milk.

4. Parasites will develop faster because of the amounts of mucus produced by dairy consumption.

Parasites are another downside related to the consumption of cow’s milk. It is estimated that over 60% of the cows bred in America have one or more of the following parasites: leukemia virus, salmonella, and tuberculosis bacillus. Of all the foods that we eat, milk and dairy products are those that stimulate the formation of mucus the most, followed by refined sugars.

5. Dairy products contain the recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH)

Another problem related to the consumption of milk is posed by the effects of the recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH). The Monsanto Corporation developed the bovine growth hormone from E. coli bacteria. The growth hormone was originally developed in order to increase milk production. Some studies show that the growth hormone (rBGH) is carcinogenic. Numerous studies show that this hormone increases the risk of developing cancer.

Discover the truth about the foods you eat. Do not be fooled by the media or other sources of our capitalist society where money has become more important than health and human welfare. It is essential to detoxify your body of the congestions accumulated in so many years of consumption of products that form mucus. Minimize or completely eliminate the foods that cause your body harm, and focus on cleaning your body and nourishing it with fresh, dairy-free, meat-free foods. If you do this, you will instantly see positive results and you’ll enjoy better health for years to come.



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